Sport Climbing Combined Olympics 2024 Sam Watson Sets World Record in Speed Climbing

Fastest Climber in the Paris Olympics

White Lightning

On Tuesday, 18-year-old Sam Watson from Texas made history by becoming the fastest-ever Olympian in speed  climbing. Watson set a new world record of 4.75 seconds on a temporary  climbing wall in the Parisian suburbs, earning a unique sporting  accolade.

The Thrill of Speed Climbing

White Lightning

In Speed Sport Climbing, athletes scale a 15-meter wall in about five  seconds, racing towards a red buzzer at the top. Lightning-fast  reactions and quick muscle movements are essential, and even a small  mistake can lead to elimination.

Head-to-Head Races

White Lightning

Speed climbing is not just about climbing quickly but also about  beating an opponent in a head-to-head race. Even a slower time can  advance an athlete if they reach the buzzer before their competitor.

Changes in Olympic Climbing Events

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Sport climbing debuted at the Tokyo Olympics, combining speed,  bouldering, and lead climbing into one event. This format was  controversial, as speed climbing requires different skills than  bouldering and lead. Adam Ondra from the Czech Republic, one of the  greatest all-around climbers, called the format a “circus.”

Upcoming Finals

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The men’s speed finals are set for Thursday in Le Bourget, with the  women’s finals on Wednesday. Poland’s Aleksandra Miroslaw broke her own  women’s world record twice this week, with times of 6.24 and 6.06  seconds in the heats.

Watson’s Journey

White Lightning

Watson grew up in Southlake, Texas, constantly climbing anything he  could find. Recognizing his talent, his parents took him to a local  climbing gym, where he quickly progressed. In 2022, he became the  youngest man to win a World Cup medal at 16 and set the American speed  record the following year.

Olympic Dreams

White Lightning

Winning at the Pan American Games secured Watson a spot on the US  team for the Paris Olympics. Now, he enters the finals as a favorite to  win gold. It’s probably one of my favorite life experiences, Watson said about  competing at the Olympics. Being a member of Team USA and meeting my  childhood idols is incredible. The Olympics is an amazing experience,  and I’m soaking it all in.

Beyond Sport Climbing

White Lightning

Besides climbing, Watson enjoys playing chess and learning languages,  including Indonesian. Many of the top speed climbers, like Leonardo and  Rahmad Adi Mulyono, are Indonesian. Before Watson set his record on Tuesday, Leonardo and Mulyono briefly  held the Olympic record during the heats. Watson’s record-breaking  climb secured his spot in the final eight, celebrated by pumping his  fists on the way down.