Pokemon GO – Tornadus – Thundurus: Is Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus Worth Using in Gym and Raid Battles?

Dashed Trail

Overview of Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus


Defense:  164



Stamina:  188

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Dashed Trail

Attack:  266

Strengths of Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus

One of the main strengths of Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus is its powerful moveset. It can learn a variety of Flying-type moves, including Hurricane, Air Slash, and Aerial Ace. These moves are super effective against Fighting, Bug, and Grass-type Pokemon, making Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus a great choice for taking down common gym defenders like Machamp and Venusaur

Dashed Trail

Weaknesses of Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus

While Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus has many strengths, it also has some weaknesses that players should be aware of. One of its main weaknesses is its low defense stat. With a base defense of 164, Bleakwind Storm Therian Tornadus can take a lot of damage from strong physical attacks